exactly a year ago? does my blog discovered the light of day and the Internet for a long time I was wondering, if I trust my own blog, and here we are, a year and over 600 readers after
was then probably the right decision was..)
Thanks for which do you manage it, I still blogging with much joy and fun:)
As a thank you to you there is something to gain. For every win you have to do something different, so please read carefully before and abide by the rules:)
can participate:
Each with Germans or Austrians residence. You must have your own blog. It is not compulsory readers of my blog to be, but it would of course be commendable if it is you:)
If the winner is under 18 years old, then I would need in case of winning the consent of the parents.
What do you need :
In the corresponding price is quoted , have to do what you a valid lot to get to participate. This must be implemented in any case, in order to qualify.
Reported on your blog about this contest and you will receive a (please comment the link) second batch. The images must be used. Pure Contest blogs (or those based on 80% of such exist) are excluded from participation. This is not a must and not mandatory. Who does it increased its profit by chance. The main task must still berwerkställigt be:) So I can assign your mail to the blog post, you should be mail to specify which of your blog and have commented on what name it, otherwise I'm doing me as yet very difficult, there)
commented who only please his mail address, to so I can contact you in case of win. Each may only participate for a set , no megalomania please:)
This competition will run until Sunday, 03/20/2011 at 23:59 clock. Comments and emails, which are delivered after that, I can no longer be valid.
I contact you promptly to the respective winners.
I hope the rules is formulated clearly enough, if not, just ask:)
This award was sponsored by me Kosmetik4less . I am very grateful for that.
This award consists of:
- small z-range in zebra look
- Sleek Dip-It Eyeliner in 267 Indigo Blue
- Sleek Blush in Coral
send an email to: sweepstakes @ post is- -da.de and answered me in this question:
What you now have three AMUs I liked the best? In the mail you should specify as precisely as possible what you think (who is now just the last three lists is disqualified, a bit of effort you should give to you now). A link to the respective posts would be the easiest solution.
This award consists of:
- Yves Rocher - Aquarelles végétales Eau de Toilette
- Balea - Body Butter Cocoa
- Manhattan - Perfect Eyes Eyeshadow Purple effects (for I have the blues;))
- Alverde - Baked Peach Rouge 10
- Manhattan - Professional Mascara 1010N (black)
- MNY - Send Nailfinity Nail Polish 704 Disco Pink + Mini Khol Pencil Charcoal Grey + Mini Lipstick 510 English Rose
- an email to - Double Kajal 311A
- Essence Tweezers
Max Factor Set : gewinnspiele@post-ist-da.de and answered me in this question:
What's the most embarrassing thing that has happened recently? Ever happen to me such things and I am certainly not alone:)
Glamour Doll Eyes Pigment Samples:
- Tattooed
- Aqua Foil
- He loves me not
- Sarcasm
- Sex Appeal
- Veteran
- Dusk
I hope for active participation and the fact that we are next year will meet for the second birthday here too:)