Saturday, November 13, 2010

Corn Flour And Kidney Effects

New Embroidery

Hello everyone,

it is very quiet lately on my blog, but this is just about my health. I constantly catch me something new ... but I've been doing a few things that may not show because I nru gnomes and Co.

I got really excited when I Marion asked if I and their Tonie's trial would embroider new embroidery file. Of course I would * gg * means colored monster and is just sweet. It is complying with Bibi and beaver colored monsters one can in large embroidery and sewing, but also small trailer and a patch are included. Really very sweet and I can say is ... they are addictive, the little monster. it can be bought HERE and HERE . Also suitable for Nähanfänger great.

As I prepare for my upcoming Christmas market in 2 weeks so much has to, first there is only Bibi and beaver colored monster in size. But it will certainly follow some, because Santa has also been ordered:

So you see, there are great Christmas gifts.

LG Nic


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